Eco-Friendly Water

Drink Water the Eco-Friendly Way

Eco-Friendly Water

Drinking plenty of clean water is one of the best things you can do for your health, so it’s no surprise that bottled water is the fastest-growing beverage choice in the world. However, while bottled water is great for the companies that make it, it’s an ecological disaster for the planet. Environmental Impact of Plastic […]

June 26, 2019 Read more

Learn More About Eco-friendly Water

What is Water Conservation?

About 70% of the surface of the Earth is covered in water. However, less than 1% of that is freshwater usable by humans. The rest is saltwater or locked in glaciers. That 1% has to cover all the usage of a quickly growing population. Drinking, bathing, cleaning, agriculture, industry, and going to the bathroom all require some of our finite supply of fresh water.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the average American uses about 88 gallons of water each day—about 30,000 gallons a year. The issue of clean water shortages is very real; at least 40 states expect water shortages to occur within the next few years.

Ways to Save Water

There are many simple and sustainable ways to save water in your own home. You may wonder what a few gallons here and there can do to alleviate the water crisis, but the more people that join in, the more of a difference we can make. Learn more with this list of water conservation tips. Remember: every drop counts!

Indoor Water Conservation Tips

Keep cold drinking water in your fridge.

We all love a cold glass of water on a warm day, but running the faucet while you wait for the water to get cold can be a huge waste. Instead, try keeping a pitcher of water in your fridge, and you’ll always have instant access to cold, clean water.

Don’t let the faucet run.

Reduce water consumption by turning off the water while shaving, washing, and brushing your teeth. For shaving and face-washing, try filling the sink with an inch of hot water instead of letting the water run continuously.

Fix your leaks.

Leaky faucets and toilets can waste thousands of gallons of water a month and drive up your water bill. Do your best to spot leaks in your home and fix them promptly.

Shower smarter.

Reduce your water use by taking short showers instead of baths. Upgrade to a water-saving shower head. Get in the shower as soon as the water is the right temperature. If you really must take a bath instead of a shower, only fill the tub halfway.

Upgrade to a water-efficient toilet.

Upgrade your old toilet to a water-conserving toilet that uses only 1.3 gallons per flush. As you increase your home’s water efficiency you will save hundreds of gallons of water each year, not to mention the cost savings for your household over time.

Load up the dishwasher and washing machine.

Your dishwasher uses the same amount of water whether you’re doing a full load or just washing two dishes. Only run your dishwasher when it’s full. On your washing machine, use the lowest water level setting when doing a partial load of clothes.

Outdoor Water Conservation Tips

Water less frequently.

To reduce evaporation and improve water efficiency, water your lawn and garden during the cool morning hours instead of under the harsh noontime sun. Don’t water your lawn on a windy day. Water your lawn and gardens on alternate mornings instead of every day. Grass watered less frequently develops deeper, stronger roots, so saving water can actually improve your lawn’s health.

Use mulch.

Spread mulch around your shrubs, trees, and home garden to retain moisture, reduce run-off, moderate soil temperatures, and help with weed control.

Sweep it, don’t spray it.

Sweep your sidewalk clean rather than spraying it with a garden hose. A weekly 5-minute pavement hose-down can waste between 625 and 2,500 gallons of water per year!

Cover your pool.

If you have a pool, be sure to use a pool cover to prevent water loss from evaporation.

Use an echo-friendly car wash.

When it’s time to wash the car, take it to a car wash that recycles water.